Bloggin' It

I'm Jessica and I married Andrew Blaylock on June 8, 2012. This is my account of our newly formed marriage!

SPOILER ALERT, it's going to involve a lot of food.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Tale of Two Dinners

Our friends, Lindsay and Kelsey, came over for dinner! Little did we know it would turn into two dinners!
Here's dinner number one:
Lindsay and Kelsey made the salad and lasagna roll-ups, which we saw on Pinterest. It has the traditional lasagna fillings but rolled up in a lasagna noodle, and it ROCKS! Lasagna Roll-Ups Recipe 
I made homemade Olive Garden breadsticks. Here's the recipe: Olive Garden Breadsticks Recipe

Then Lindsay (during dinner) mentions "Oh by the way, you know how Chick-fil-A has that one day where you get free food if you dress up like a cow? That day is TODAY". We all threw our forks down and yelled! Ok, we didn't do that. But I came close!

Lindsay said that "dressing up like a cow" is kind of a loose requirement so we decided to make paper cow masks and head over to Chick-fil-A!!
from left to right: Kelsey, Lindsay, Andrew, and Jessica
The girls only wanted fries and a soda BUT Andrew! impressively! put down a whole chicken sandwich, fries and a soda after dinner one!! ahaha I love that guy.

My cow mask is ridiculously challenged. As I mentioned on facebook, I look like a gas-masked-pink-bank-robber. 

What a fun night!!!

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